David Bloch Gallery
Marrakech, MA
5 Oct – 19 Nov 2019
David Bloch Gallery
8bis rue des Vieux Marrakchis, 40000 Marrakech (Maroc)
T. +212 5 24 45 75 95

“In continuity and as an echo of the last exhibition ” Urban Jealousy ” in 2017, I became an architect of a modern city invaded by a binary stream, pierced by waves and algorithms. Conductor organizing muffed sounds of fragments of letters, these proto-alphabets deformed by the acceleration experienced by our urban ensembles and their inhabitants, I tried to stop on the canvas this exponential movement, to fx this speed in painting. As a result of artworks on canvas in which a paradox-flled chaos emerges, exploding speed and movement, in the image of a globalized society cut off from the slow rhythm of nature, a city plagued by illusions of a futuristic techno world. At a time when the whole of Humanity is aware that it is one with the whole of the biosphere and the living, the exhibition “Hors-Sol” is an allegory of this acceleration and question our positions and paths: but where are we going so fast? ”
© Text : Vincent Abadie Hafez / Images : David Bloch Gallery
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